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1)    Importance of family in society
2)    Family problems today
3)    Habits in a family
4)    Role of family members
5)    Family today and in the past
6)    Role of family in different cultures

I have chosen question number 3- family.

    I think family is very important for upbringing /výchova/. When some child doesn´t have parents or somebody who takes care of him he might/mohl by/ be a little bit wild. I’ll tell you an example: children in stress mostly have parents but they don‘t care about them. These children are in big troubles, they steal, destroy public properties such as drawings on walls and when they grow up they are often in prison.
    There are huge differences between families. Some of them are rich and others poor. In rich families children don´t have any problems because they usually have everything what they want. These children have mostly beaten track /vyšlapané cesty/ thanks to their parents. They are spoiled/zhýčkaný/ or subordinated/podřízený/ by their parents and they cannot do things on their own.   
    Poor families have a little money which usually leads/vede/ to many problems. For example if they need to pay for necessary things - food, clothes and school stuff. It often happens that poor families don´t have money there for kids have to go to children´s home. Children’s´ homes are good but now always. Advantages are children have someone who takes care of them, they have food and clothes on the other hand disadvantages are they haven´t got real parents and children’s homes are only till they are 18 years old and after that they have to take care about themselves and the have nothing. I think that, now I am 19 and when I need money I have my family and they give me it. But these children from children´s homes they have anyone.
    We also need to consider/zvažovat/ people who cannot have children. The adoption is the only way how to bring up a child. Adopted children are usually from children’s´ homes. If mother doesn´t have money than she can give birth to a baby and she can give the baby for an adoption or put in anonymously to a baby box. Baby boxes are new in hospitals. When she does this the light goes on in nurses’ room so she can take this baby out and take care of him or her and then the baby is ready for an adoption. But an adoption is a long-distance race /běh na dlouhé trati/.
    Each family has different habits. I mean the way they celebrate feasts. Each culture has different habits. Czech families have the same Christmas, Easter and other feasts. But in CR it is different how families spend their weekends, holidays or how they celebrate birthdays or name-days. Many families don´t celebrate name- days. For other families it is an occasion to celebrate and give bigger present. Everyone considers birthday as a big event and it is celebrated in a festive way. There is a family celebration where all members are presented. They drink, eat and sing the whole day. At the weekend many people go to their cottage or they go for trips to the nature. During summer holiday whole family go to the sea and during winter some people go to the mountains.
    We can define family types according to the family structure. The nuclear family is the main unit in societies and it usually consists of two adults and their children. Roles of parents in the family are divided/rozdělený/. Functions in the family for example funding is distributed between both parents in contrast from single parent family, where one parent should fill all the functions but it isn´t possible. Child will still miss one of the parents. Single parent family is a family where one of the parents is dead or where parents are divorced or unmarried. Parents should take priority over children and should be their authority and inspiration. Child in the family has a role of a pupil who still learns something new.
    Today´s young people are different from the older ones. Many of young couples split up/oddělí se/ early. A few of them are together the whole life as many of our parents or grandparents. This time is a little bit promiscuous. Perhaps our grandparents were waiting for the real partner, love on a first sight and we are searching and trying which partner will be the best.  If someone has a permanent partner they often are unfaithful or love disappears /zmizí/ very quickly. In the past it was normal to get married when they were 18 but nowadays when somebody has early wedding means they will divorce early because they find out that they made a huge mistake.
    Hundred years ago people had more children than today. They had usually 8 or 10 children as there wasn’t reliable /spolehlivý/ contraception.  Today, families usually have 2 children and later than earlier as they want to study at the University. Today there is contraception which is good for people who want to study or don´t have money.
    In each country role of the family means something else. In America influence of family isn´t so intense comparing to countries in Europe. Success is more important for parents, that´s why family role is not completed and many children become drug addicted or hustlers /podvodník/.
    On the contrary /naopak/ in Africa the role of the family consists of daily struggle/boj/ for survival /přežití/. Whole/celý/ tribe looks after filling of this function. In India men can have more women but their women can have only one man and she has to covert /přikrýt/their faces with the scarf /šátek/. I am happy that I live in this country and that I have the family which I have, because my mother is best.

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